This is ME, take it or leave it...

Monday, April 11, 2011

And the thunder roles

Wow what a night last night. First off, Belle wakes up at 1230 and I try for an hour to NOT give her a bottle. Finally by 130 I give her a sippy cup of water. She actually giggled like it was funny. She wouldn't take it of course and gave it back to me.  So I give her a baby bottle with water in it.  She takes it for about 7 seconds. She's quiet after that and I thought "yes success". WRONG!! She gets very upset that there is no milk.  Jay then says  (after an hour of me trying hard to not give in) "OK I think at this point we both need sleep because there's so much going on. Once we move and we're not as busy we can deal with her night feeding and nip it in the butt " I guess I can understand where he is coming from. He works all day and is at the new house all evening. And I'm healing from surgery and holding down the fort at home while he's "away".  So no more letting her scream at night  until we move and are settled. She will win and get her bottle at night ---for now. She was doing good for a while with no bottle but with me leaving for a few days last week, set her back. No biggie, she won't be a baby forever. I don't think anyone has ever seen a bride walking down the isle with her baby bottle and still sleeping with mom and dad!!! N'uff said :)

During this whole time, it was storming pretty bad outside. I was up until about 3 am listening to it. I swear the  lightening hit close to our house cause as soon as I saw lightening it kaboomed and the whole house shook.

I love thunder storms, their my favorite part of "rain". But when it keeps u up at night it's not so good because although it's so nice laying in bed listening, u know u will be tired the next day.  These kind of storms should be in the evenings so we can all enjoy them without waking up tired. 

I'm feeling not too bad this morning. A few friends are going to the movies with their children today and asked Arielle and I to go too. YAY a movie play date. We are 11 people total. My mom comes over to watch Belle so I can enjoy some time with my big girl and some friends. One of my friends son is Arielle's "boyfriend" (Arielle always calls him her boyfriend).

Here is my girl ready for her movie date

Here is Arielle waiting for her friends

Here is Arielle with some of her friends

Arielle getting her snacks for the movie

Arielle and her first SUPERVISED official date (she even shared her KINDER with him)

We saw the movie hop. Really cute movie. Was really fun. My favorite part of the movie was when the Bunny left Easter island, he arrived in Hollywood and wanted to find a "good hotel". Where does the little bunny end up? At the playboy mansion LOL. Hugh Hefner through the intercom was like "who are you"? lol

A HUGE set back with my surgery

OMG---to put it mildly. So I'm back at square one.

My nurse (who is sweet as pie) came over this evening. She read my report, and I told her how the nurse did it yesterday.  We go to my bedroom, where she begins the "procedure." Now remember, she's only supposed to take out 4 cm's of gauze from my incision site. Something felt really painful and VERY "off" during this time. I look at her about 15 seconds later. She took out  22cm. THE WHOLE DARN THING. OMFG. I look at her and say "omg the whole thing came out?" She said "well I took it all out". I said "aren't you only supposed to take 4 cm out?" She said "oh shit".

What happens next is a little in humane for me. She has to re-do the "surgery" and re-put  22 cm of a thick type LONG gauze back inside this tiny little incision. WITH NO FREEZING.

When Jay got home after work (before my nurse came) he went right to the new house. He's busy tonight and has a few family members helping paint our ceilings. So my mom offered to stay with the girls/dogs while the nurse does what she has to do.

At this point my mom is a little concerned and wondering why I'm upstairs so darn long. I come downstairs, sweating, flustered, and dizzy. She said "whats wrong". I said the nurse took the whole darn thing out. My mom asked if I should maybe head to the hospital. But I'm too flustered to even think straight. It's late by this point and my kids haven't even eaten yet.

My mom and I feed them something really quick (MR. noodle for Ari and Baby food for Belle). No time to feed them a whole cooked meal. At least they both ate a lot of fruit with their meal. (pears and oranges).

The nurse says she feels so bad at what happened. Now I'm not too mad at her per se. She really is a sweet nurse and even had treats for my dogs. BUT, she should of read the report better and listened to what i had to say before the procedure.

So this entry will be short tonight. My mom just left and I'm not feeling so great. My dad's girlfriend Johanne is coming to spend the evening with me so i won't be alone. I almost feel worst then when i had the darn surgery...!!! I think bad luck like this only happens to me, I swear.


momma2onek said...

you are more brave then I am.. I would have been so pissed off..i dont care how nice she was.. She should know how to read and read it right.. I am so sorry that you are having such bad luck with your nurses.. It's too bad you can have the same nurse everyday.. Thats how I had mine and she knew what she had to do but still read my file everytime she came. I hope that things get better for you...

connie said...

I can't believe you came to the movies today! I thought you would be home resting. Glad you came out!! It was Josh's first movie. Did you hear him ask to go home 27 times? LOL.
Are you going to give feedback to the nursing organization? That ain't right. I know people make mistakes, but come on!!! YIKES.
Hope tomorrow you feel great!

Anonymous said...

yay on seeing Hop my mom took Sammy to see that last week and they had so much fun! boo on the taking the whole thing out.. When mine was infected they took it all out and put it back in 2 times a day.. but it was WAY MORE that 22 cms.. so I totally feel for you!!

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