This is ME, take it or leave it...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


As I've said before, it's your free will to read this, or not...but I'm not looking to be judged
Thanks :)

So a few hours after the nurse did the wrong thing, she called me. Guess she was worried. Well the damage was already done. Ha!

Yesterday I spoke with my obgyn and he said he would send a different nurse over to check things out and assess the situation. He told me if it comes back out again after the nurse checks me and before he sees me the next day that I need to go to emerg.

I bet u can't guess what happened next? A few hours after my nurse left, it fell out. Surprised? Didn't think so.

Off to emerg I go. I didn't have to wait long and I saw a really nice female Dr. She checked things out.

Guess what?? I have now developed an infection. Surprised?? Nah, I wasn't either.

So this Dr repacks things the way it should be but that I'm still to see obgyn tomorrow (which is now today).  The Dr also said this to me "although I know you don't want to sound like a tattle tail, I think you should report what happened. The instructions were very clearly written in your report and this should not have happened".  I think to myself....This isn't my cup of tea---to report someone. Although nothing is my cup of tea cause I don't like tea...unless it's iced. ;)

I leave the hospital and get my prescription.

My obgyn told me to meet him at hospital at 830. So I get there at 815 this morning and register. I'm always so punctual.

And I wait. It's now 930. And I wait. It's now 1030.

So I ask a nurse if they let him know. She says "oh yea he's just probably busy". Fair enough.

10 mins goes by and a nurse calls me. FINALLY. What happens next doesn't surprise me in the least.

She says "not sure where there was a miscommunication but your obgyn said 830 pm not am". Really??? Are you kidding me?? I swear he said am. Cause I remember him saying "see you in the morning". Freg!!

So instead they "summon" me to his office where I wait another 2 hours. I've never been good at math but I think that's 4 hours total??

When my DR comes to my room, he tells me that the hospital never told him I was there this morning until a few hours after I was there waiting. I was told that he was paged. But that wasn't the truth. They didn't page him until I actually got up after 2 hours to ask if he was paged.

I love my OBGYN and things got lost in translation somehow...but whatever! He still rocks.

Now I'm told I must still see a nurse everyday until the whole things comes out...but that chances of me needing another surgery are big, because of what happened. So I must now see my OBGYN every week for who knows how long. FUN :) (sarcasm)

I could go into detail what exactly it is going on, but for those that really want to know and have already inquired, I will tell you on the phone/in person as I've already done, to many of you my friends and family members :)

I'm glad my OBGYN and I could joke about the whole thing...i do love him and i told him that things go wrong because he will miss me too much when I'm done with him........and he agreed :)


Anonymous said...

ooo nooo!! So sorry to hear that the saga continues!! I hope you don't have to have another surgery!!

connie said...

that is crazy! You are a trooper to have such a positive attitude. I would have hurt someone by now.

Stacey Wallace said...

Wow. I really hope that they don't need to do another surgery. I am not the type of person to report someone either but in this case I would. This is your health hun.

And yes your OBGYN ROCKS!!!!!! Going to see him myself in August :)

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