This is ME, take it or leave it...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

When I grow up

So my entry today is going to be more of me rambling then anything else. Some of my "private" thoughts (although, no longer private since I'm sharing)  This entry may be more boring for you :)

When I was a little girl (I guess I'm dipping back into my past after all hehe) every week I wanted to be something different. One week I wanted to be a teacher, then a police officer, then a hair dresser, then when I hit my teens, I so desperately wanted to be an actress. In my young mind, i really really thought I would be famous one day. Guess that "dream" hasn't come true. Unless you count being famous for causing online debates (ha joke---kinda).

But right now, when i grow up i want to be 3 things.

1. a private investigator
2. a personal assistant
3. a socialite

Now the first thing is a private investigator. I would love to be hired to investigate things. I love the thrill of finding things out that are "top secret". As a pre-teen my friends and I used to "spy" on people. I know that doesn't sound like a smart thing to do. But remember, growing up in the 80's and 90's the world was a different place. It's not like it is today. Where you step on someone's property and an alarm sounds off. Or a gate closes on you and you can't get out (OK total exaggeration but u get the idea). I miss the "old" simple days. Our times have changed SO much with everything it's almost unbelievable. Allergies are at a high peak in schools and to me that's so mind boggling. Where did things change? and When?  I used to have my peanut butter sandwich EVERYDAY in school as a child. Now you can't even go anywhere with peanut butter. (just one of many examples I could write). My guess is that it's what we eat and what we put into our bodies. Almost everything we eat is pumped with hormones. I'm guilty of giving my kids "junk" and not always organic.  Hence the difference we now see with our children, compared to when we were kids.  At 12-13 years old I was still enjoying my dolls/barbies. But now I find that age group wanting to grow up too fast and do things that I started doing at 16 and NOT 12 (ish).  I often ask the question of what in the world will our planet be in 20 more years from now? It's a scary thought.

Ok sorry got off tract there for a second.....I guess I could ramble about our planet all day, but I won't get into it too much today lol

Back to my being a private investigater. I've watched a show where these housewives are stay at home mommies by day and private investigator by night. Woman hire them to spy on cheating husbands. Thrilling eh? :)

I would love to find missing people and bring them back home. Anything that a private investigator does, I want to do.

My second job is a personal assistant. What consist of the type of personal assistant i want to be? You know the type that are hired to get whatever their boss needs. An assistant to the celebrities would be oh so fun. But in reality, that probably won't happen also. I've always been the type who prefers to be told what to do at a job. I'm not a leader. I don't have enough confidence to be a leader. But if I'm told what to do, I'll do it with my all and give it 100%.  I want to get my boss some coffee, run some errands for him/her. Type up documents. Do whatever job it is he doesn't like doing. Sounds like a drag job eh? But not for me. And once my babies are both in school, i hope to find a part time job as a personal assistant. Cause frankly, i don't think my other 2 jobs will pan out.

Ah, what can I say about a socialite? It would be oh so fun. To be rich and just socialize and go to events, and support anything that comes our way. Now don't get me wrong, I wouldn't only be a person who is just rich and attends affairs. I'd be volunteering and donating some money towards my favorite charity. And my favorite charity is ANYTHING that has to do with animals. So my day job would be to rescue animals and donate food and shelter to those animals in need. And my night job would be to just be rich and attend functions.

Being a socialite would also be fun, because then I could travel where I want. Meet new people on a daily basis. See the world. Now I may not be a celebrity by being rich, BUT I could afford to hang out where all those celebrities hang out.

BUT I will promise you one thing....when I grow up, i'm still gonna be me. My body may age, but my mind will stay young. I will never EVER "grow up". (does that make sense----cause it sure does to me) :)

Someday, I'm going to look good again (pre-kids when I took a little better care of me)


Anonymous said...

oo all three of these jobs sound like fun :-)

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