This is ME, take it or leave it...

Friday, April 08, 2011

i'm HOME :)

So, technically, my first entry today had to do with yesterday, so this entry will have to do about my post-surgery afternoon/evening!!!

I met my day nurse at 8 am this morning. I had slept maybe 30 min's all night (from 7:30am-8:00am). It was a male. Really easy going male nurse and really nice. I was supposed to get my "lump area" checked before discharge today and the nurse was supposed to remove 4 cm of gauze down there. I asked him (my male nurse) if he was doing it himself. He said "actually I can get a female nurse to do it if you want". HA! Thankfully no one had to do that today. Tomorrow on the other hand is another day. Which means a nurse will be at my home ripping something outta me everyday for 5 days (at least). TMI eh?

I got discharged around 1pm. My OBGYN came in and said "see you in 6 weeks, and there will be a nurse going to your house everyday for at least 5 days to remove 4 cm of dressing that is packed away down there". Can we say "OUCH"? My goodness it's gonna hurt. He also prescribed Tylenol 3's...whether I take them is another story.

I got home about 2pm. Jason picked me up and we came home to our girls and my mom. Jason fed Belle and put her down for her nap, then Arielle followed suit. YAY 2 girls down for a nap.

My mom and I caught up for a little while Jay went out to run a few errands for this evenings festivities. What type of festivities you ask? Nothing major, just having someone over for dinner and a play date for the kidlets :)

So, me, who's always so full of piss and vinegar invited a good friend and her 2 kids for dinner. She says to me "only you Rachelle would have people over on the day after you have surgery, your such a trooper".

My friend showed up with Laura Secord treats for me and a beautiful card.

She had 2 chocolate bars of pure milk chocolate and my favorite ice cream (SUPER KID). Oh I have to add, she also got me a Cadbury egg to try...she knows I'm a little grossed out by those and wants me to realllllly try it. So, I'll humor her and give it a whirl.

Does that sound like enough junk?? Well that's not all. She showed up with Easter cookies for the kiddies, AND a tray of cupcakes with LOADS of icing on them.

Jason, was a chef for us tonight. Too bad he didn't wear his apron with nothing under tonight!!! I'm sure my friend wouldn't of appreciated that haha.

What did Jason make? YUMMY nachos. You put scoops (u know, the scoop nachos you buy?) all spread out in a pan and add cooked ground beef that's mixed with taco seasoning all individually inside the scoops. You then add green onions all over the scoops and black olives. You then finish off by adding loads of cheese. (are you drooling yet?)

Jason also made my "famous" Caesar salad for dinner. But I won't give out that secret. Everyone loves my salad and I think I'll keep that recipe a secret for a while :)

What did the kids eat? White pasta with butter spread over it. Kids love that kind of stuff don't they?

On to desert. My friend gave her son a choice of a cookie OR cupcake. He chose a cookie. He then followed by saying "mom, I want a cupcake now". She said, "you made your choice with a cookie, so no cupcakes right now". I said "he's in my home, so he could maybe have a cupcake too". She said "your such a bad influence" HA-HA! So he went on to have a cupcake...BUT...HUGE BUT...he doesn't like icing. WHO DOESN'T LIKE ICING??? So Jason scooped up the icing and threw it out so he could have just the "cake" part. Then Arielle has a cookie and says "well I want a cupcake too". What does she do? ONLY eats the icing. These 2 kids are 2 peas in a pod. Perfect couple I say. She eats the icing and he eats the cake part. Match made in sugar heaven :)

That's it for this evening folks :) Our company is gone and it's time to rest :)


Jay said...

Love your posts bebe, keep up the good work. Love You!

Anonymous said...

Yay for you being home! Yay for dinner dates :-)

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