This is ME, take it or leave it...

Friday, June 17, 2011

A bit of a scare

So, we all know how excited I've been about our move. I can't shut up about it. I haven't been this happy in a while. I feel great (besides still being a bit swollen from a flare up), my girls are happy, we have my husband home again and we're living in a gorgeous home. You would think that nothing should go wrong right?

Not in my world. I don't lead a "normal" life. Not gonna happen. Never. That's what i am lead to believe as much as I try my hardest to always be positive, something creeps up. But this time it didn't give me noticed and it snuck up...WAY too fast.

Last night Jay and I were hanging out in the living room. At approximately 10:18 ish pm, I get a sudden chest pain. Not the usual, anxiety chest pain. I've had shortness of breath before. But this was different. An elephant, or someone realllllly heavy was sitting on my chest from the inside. It hurt so bad. I had nausea and sweating with it. (and no before you assume, it was NOT a panic attack-I've had those i said, this was different) I was sweating so bad that my hair was dripping wet. I thought I was going to throw up. It felt like a huge clot wanted to come out of my chest. I was stumped on what to do.

Jason said "why don't you lay down a bit". So layed down on my recliner couch and closed my eyes. Boy did it hurt. So weird this feeling. It lasted 20 min's and then i felt ok. But within 10 min's of feeling ok i felt funny again. It was harder to catch my breath and this time i was a bit more scared since this sounded like what my mother had when she had her heart attack.

What do I do? Do i just call the Dr in the morning or do i head to emerg tonight? Do i call my mom to ask what her symptoms were in details or do i not worry her?

I chose to first call and talk to my mom and i tried to be non-chalant about my questions to her, but my mom knows me better then i know myself. And i know she will worry about me, but she's my mom and we're close. If my girls were going through something I would definitely want to know. So right away she said "you have chest pain don't you"? I said "well it kinda went away". She said "Rachelle you've had chest pain a lot lately (approx-4 ish months) and i think u should get checked". I said "yea maybe i will". I hung up and told Jay what mom said. He said "do you want to go"? I said "we'll see".

Phone rings. It's mom. She says "you're not gone yet?" So i promised i would go. I brushed my teeth and got dressed and off i went. I could drive myself. I didn't want the girls to be woken up.

I arrived and told them a play by play of what happened and the time frame but that i was feeling better. I went in right away and the nurse asked if heart problems run in my family. Well, i would say BIG TIME. My mother's father (who i called Pepe) died very young of a heart attack. Golf was his life. He lived and breathed anything to do with golf. One day he told my mom that if he had to go, dying on the golf course would be his ideal way to go. That's what happened. He died on the golf course. (hence the reason I'm SO very superstitious). I was 10 years old and remember it all too well. My mom's brother (my uncle Roberto) had his first MASSIVE heart attack at the age of 38. He was lucky to be alive because this was the biggest heart attack one can get. Not many survive this type. One day at the age of 49 he had a Dr's appointment. On his way home (on his bike) he had a heart attack and passed away. So heartbreaking since he had just seen his Dr. I was 29. Then as most of you know my mother had a heart attack a week before this past Christmas. So to make a long story longer (lol) I have a history of heart disease in my family.

They asked if i have any medical conditions. I said "well nothing except Lupus". Now the Dr i saw in the ER was so amazing and so nice. I really was treated like gold/royalty last night. She said that Lupus can raise the complications with your heart and other parts of your body. She wanted to be on the safe side and said we are going to do some tests.

By this point i felt a bit dumb cause i really did feel better, but knowing what i know about heart attacks at a young age in my family i went along and felt better that I did stay.

I was in the heart room of the hospital for a while. I had an ECG and blood work. I was hooked up to a few monitors and also had oxygen. The Dr said that if the first set of blood work comes back negative she wants to do blood work 6 hours after my "attack", which would bring us to 4:30am. She wanted me to be monitored all night. A nurse then came and hooked up an IV just in case i needed meds. When she poked me it hurt like a son of a B****. I felt liquid poor down. She said "oh your a bleeder". I looked on the floor and there was a HUGE pool of blood-for real. She said "it looks worst then what it is". I said "your trained to say that". She loved my sense of humour. Those nurses who were with me were such sweet woman. I was lucky.

I get moved into an isolation room so that i can have quietness and privacy while resting. (wow eh? not every day you get that treatment at the ER lol). They closed these big glass doors and a curtain and i dosed off while being monitored and on oxygen. (the oxygen felt SO good)

I get woken up at 4:38 am for more blood work. They said, if this comes back negative you can go home after the Dr sees you.

5:32 am comes around and i get woken up by Dr. I get another ECG. Normal. She says what happened was the possibility of a type of indigestion that mimics a heart attack. Although i didn't have heartburn, it doesn't mean it wasn't indigestion and because of the history and my condition it was better safe then sorry. To be honest, i don't feel like it was indigestion. This was true pain and something I'd never felt. But I'm glad (if only for peace of mind) that i got checked.

I can tell you, I don't lead a dull life even when i try too. But i won't let this bring me down. I'm looking forward to a summer of activities, exercise and time with family and friends. When I talk about medical problems I have in my life, it's just to babble and talk about my life. It's not to get pity and for people to say "oh poor Rachelle".

Here is my VERY unattractive picture of last night
it's a little dark since the isolation room i was in was dark
Amazing what a bit of oxygen can do too

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A new house that has become our home

"What dad?? You want us to look at THIS house?? You have to be kidding me." "Rachelle, just humour me and come see it". "FINE"

October 2010. We're off to view this "new" dump, er I mean house. We get to the street, and right away I'm moody cause i don't want an "older" house. (this house is maybe 30 years which isn't THAT old). I ignore my surroundings and the other houses on this street. I am judging it from the beginning. (i knew what it looked like from MLS-the place you can find homes for sale in my area)

Dad unlocks the door. He walks in ahead of us. Right away it was "OMG this smell is freking sick". We start to tour this shit hole. (yes i was that cranky) Right away i say "dad i don't want this house. We can look for fun but there's no way, NO how I'm moving into this gross house".

Now most of you saw the "before renos" pictures (i'm going to post a few before, during and after pictures). The pictures don't do it justice. This house was in such bad shape when we saw it. From far it looked ok ish, but believe me you would of puked just walking through those doors. The stench was enough to make your eyes water.

After about 15 ish minutes of touring, my dad says "you can do this, and this and this. It shoudlnt' take you long and it would look good. The potential is there". I glaze at Jason and I KNEW right there I was in trouble. He had a twinkle in his eye. No lie. I kept my mouth shut at that moment so i wouldn't make my dad upset.

When we were done I just looked at my dad and said "jay and i will talk about it". He proceeded to tell me "make your move quick cause this house will sell very quickly". "Um sure dad, whatever you say".

We get the in the car and we aren't even OUT of the driveway when I look at Jason and say "no way hosay. We are NOT getting this house". He said so much about what he could do to the place. I was like "Jay, it stinks, it's gross, it's got paneling ALLL OVER including ceilings and walls. YUCK".  He said we can talk about it for a few days, which i proceeded to tell him we could talk about it but my answer is NO.

SOLD-freg we bought the house...omg what am i gonna do? I have butterflies (poo cramps)  in my belly now, at the fact that I have to endure "weeks" or renos into a house i don't want.

October is when we bought the house, and December is when we got possession. Renos start in December and jay starts "gutting" the whole house. He found mold, drug paraphernalia inside drop ceilings, among a crap load of other stuff. I wondered WTF did we get ourselves into.

In his mind he thought we would be moved by Annabelle's birthday (January 22). HA... Sure Jay.

The months go by and the more he does to the house, the more he realizes that the place has to be completely gutted in order to look good and non stinky.

The weeks have now turned to months and in his wonderful mind he says "we will celebrate Arielle's birthday in the new house". (may 3). HA... Sure Jay.

I would say that 3 ish months into renos, I realized that the house was going to in fact be our dream home. The more i came here, the more i realized that the lay out of this house is gorgeous, and it DID have potential. I trust Jay, and his taste is very similar to mine and he's very much a perfectionist when he does something. Nothing is half assed. He is by far (and everyone who knows him can attest to this) the most patient PERSON (not just man) I've ever met in my whole entire life and then some. I don't know how he does it but he does. If i had half his patience I'd be lucky.

Our "old" house is sold in March and closing June 15. YAY, we have 3 months to finish this new to us house. LOTS OF TIME eh? NO, not really.

Today, June 15, my poor hubby was STILL at the old house getting crap out. We spent all day yesterday purging and cleaning. I vacuumed areas in that house that had not been vacuumed in our 6 years there. It was amazing the JUNK we've accumulated over the years together (almost 12). But as I always say (actually i don't say that very often) someone else's junk is someone else's treasure.

Jason did all the gutting of the house pretty much by himself. Once renos started, he had amazing support to help him do the drywall, bathroom, lights, painting, staining (i could go on and on).  I want to mention the first names of ALL the people who helped but I'm afraid that i would miss someone and that wouldn't be nice. (i gotta get my ass in gear soon, cause in July ish I'm hosting a thank you party for those who helped along the way. Doesn't matter if you only carried one box, your invited haha...well we'll see haha).

I admit i very much dislike painting and anything that goes with renovating. BUT, I'm a superb organizer and unpacker. (no I'm not even good at packing even though i did most of it with my mom. Even my mom could tell you i suck at packing). Packing and cleaning and organizing is another story. I rock haha.

While Jay and his part-time helpers renovated our beautiful new home, i was a single (ish) mommy for 6 months. And even thought it was hard sometimes knowing that poor Jay worked all day at his real work, then spent until 11 or later at the new house, it was worth it. He is proud of his work and he deserves the praise. We've had SO many of our new neighbors come in to see it. They saw it before we bought it when it was for sale and they were so discouraged about this house. Well when they met us, and told us about seeing Jay day in and day out working away they were curious (albeit nosy lol) to see what we (he) had done. So half my street has been on our home lol. It's ok thought, i love meeting new people and I have wonderful new neighbors. (although i do miss our closest "old" neighbors who will forever be in our life)

So here we are. In our new HOME. My crankiness in the beginning has been long gone and I'm rejoicing in our dream home.  I've met a few people recently who have said that the street I've moved to is one of the most beautiful streets. And they are SO right. It's gorgeous here and not a very busy street which is SO good to raise my girls on. I am looking forward to posting pictures when it's 1000000% done. When things are on the walls, and the girls mickey mouse playroom is done. Heck, even my 2 baby girls are happier here. For real. Toffee (my poodle) on the other hand is another story. He's SO depressed. Pitoune (my schnoodle) is doing ok since she's happy no matter what as long as WE are all together.

Here are some pictures of the same room. BEFORE, DURING and AFTER...



So as you can see in the kitchen there are still doors to add but to be honest we are enjoying seeing what's in the cupboards haha.

I'd like to end this blog by thanking my Papa for making me see this house...I love you so much xoxo