This is ME, take it or leave it...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Not surprised

So here I am. Enjoying life again. But there's a minor little detail I haven't shared with many people.

I have been struggling/dealing with a rash. This rash started the week I got my surgery. Before it actually. So surgery has nothing to do with it. But now, it's full blown. I have seen my Dr for it. There's a name for it. It's called Pityriasis rosea. Here is the link if you want to read up on it.

It says it hits people between the ages of 10-35. Well lucky me, I'm still 35 until July. SOOO I'm not surprised something else has entered my body. It also says that it typically starts following a sore throat or fever. Well the week leading up to my gastro/food poisoning I had a really bad sore throat. Thought it was strep (ended up not being strep). Then when the sore throat was still there, the gastro/food poisoning hit. Following that, I noticed a dot or 2 of something that looked like buttons. Had surgery on Thursday Jan 31. By Feb 4 I noticed my belly, chest and breast area was covered in those dots. A call to my Dr was made.

I saw my Dr and he looked all over at this rash (it was JUST starting my neck at this point). He said "oh it looks to me like it's Pityriasis rosea." I said "what is that? what caused it"? And he basically said there is no known reason for it normally, and it's not contagious, it's not bacterial and it's not fungal. Hmmm, OK but now what? He asked if it was itchy. I would say the belly/chest area is a 2 outta 10 on being itchy. But my neck? (I'll get to that in a moment). So he said, if it gets worse or new symptoms, to please go back and see him and we will reassess.

Fast forward to the weekend. We went outta town, and my neck was dramatically worst.  And the neck is a 9 outta 10 on itchiness. SO itchy and i try not to touch it cause i don't want to make it worst. I've had a few tell me to put anti itch cream or whatever but I don't know if I should just leave it or treat the itchiness.

Here is what I found on the website


By Mayo Clinic staff

Pityriasis rosea (rash)
Photograph showing rash of pityriasis rosea 
Pityriasis (pit-ih-RIE-uh-sis) rosea is a skin rash that usually begins as one large circular or oval spot on your chest, abdomen or back. Called a herald patch, this initial spot can be up to 4 inches (10 centimeters) across.
The herald patch is typically followed by a distinctive pattern of similar but smaller lesions that sweep out from the middle of your body in a shape that resembles drooping pine-tree branches.
Pityriasis rosea can affect any age group, but it most commonly occurs between the ages of 10 and 35. It usually goes away on its own within six weeks. Pityriasis rosea can cause itching, and treatment usually focuses on relieving symptoms.


By Mayo Clinic staff
Pityriasis rosea typically begins with a large, slightly raised, scaly patch — called the herald patch — on your back, chest or abdomen. Before the herald patch appears, some people experience a sore throat or fever.
A few days to a few weeks after the herald patch appears, you may notice smaller scaly spots across your back, chest or abdomen that resemble a pine-tree pattern. The rash can cause itching, which is occasionally severe


By Mayo Clinic staff
The exact cause of pityriasis rosea is unclear, although there is some evidence that the rash may be triggered by a viral infection, particularly by certain strains of the herpes virus. Pityriasis rosea, however, isn't believed to be contagious.

So with that being said...i would like to stretch out that I DO NOT HAVE HERPES. Although I got it from something viral (my sore throat 3 weeks ago maybe), I don't want anyone thinking I have herpes lol

So I gave you in a nutshell what this rash is. I still don't know the actual real reason I was hit with this, but at the same time,  I'm not surprised by it. In the beginning I thought maybe it had to do with lupus, but I'm not so sure it was lupus since the word the Dr told me shows me what it is. There's tons of pictures online of this annoying rash and I've taken pictures of my own rash to compare and it's identical (but some pictures I've seen online are SO much worst then mine).

Here are pictures of the rash on MY body. Please don't be grossed out by me. I promise I'm not contagious and it's not my fault :(
This is one side of neck (other side is the same)

This is parts of my belly
 This is my side of belly (I have it really bad on breasts, but I'll keep this blog G rated)
So as you can see, I'm dealing with a little set back on my regaining my health. But this too shall pass right? (gosh i hate that saying) So all you friends out there who have been here for me, and continue to be here, thank you. My Dr said it may take up to 2 months for it to fully go away. So in the meantime I can continue enjoying life with my family and friends all while being itchy with this, I have no time for you, leave my body PLEASE rash.
*sigh* Thank you if you read the whole thing and if I didn't bore you yet again with a sob story.


Brandy said...

Thanks for sharing. I think I have a similar rash on my neck. It appeared this morning out of the blue.

Brandy said...

Thanks for sharing. I think I have a similar rash on my neck. It appeared this morning out of the blue.

Unknown said...

How long did your rash last? Mine just popped up...

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