This is ME, take it or leave it...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Getting to know eachother more

Now this is a bit different I'm sure for a blog, but I'm going to put a series of questions and MY answers, but I'd love for you all to answer them in the comment section. Let's get to know each other EVEN more. PLEASE? :)

1. If you were on a deserted island, what 3 things (NOT people) would you bring?

My first would be my trusted cream that I've used since I was 10 years old. A lot of you know how much i crave this cream and put it on my hands (ahem....and feet) over 10 times a day. (maybe it's an addiction?) Now I do wear nice smelling creams after a shower or perfume, but I'm talking about a cream u wear if you wash your hands a lot or what not....and that cream is this one.

If I found out tomorrow that this cream (and ONLY this cream, you know with the orange line that goes down---I call it the "orange jergens") was going to be discontinued, I would go to every single store that sells it and buy them all. I've already warned my mom that she would have to help. lol

My second would be Chap Stick. It can be the mint, cherry or original. It's the only type of "lip stuff" I can tolerate for a long period of time. Oh wait, that's kinda a lie. I also enjoy the kind Jason likes and his is called Blistex herbal answer.

  My third would have to be my "baby" pillow. And it's not the pillow itself per se (altho it does help) but the covers for it have been the covers I've used for over 12 years. My godmother made them for my "baby pillow" a long time ago. And because I wash it every week they get used up. So when I was pregnant with Arielle she made me a lifetime supply with the same material. I started using a "baby pillow" (most of you would call it a travel pillow) when I went to Europe the first time at 16. My mom gave me it. Well this pillow and I haven't left each others side in 18 years. (well I've gone through a crap load of pillows since then, cause i do wash them, but a baby pillow in general) I can't sleep without it, and it comes with me EVERYWHERE. No seriously. Even on road trips. Sleepovers. I just love my "baby pillow".

So now it's your turn, what would YOU bring???

2. If you could live an age forever what would you pick?

For me, I think the age of 25 would be perfect. Your old enough to do anything, and yet young enough to look good haha. I just think it's the perfect age.

3. If you could relive ONE moment in your life (AS IS....meaning no changing it whatsoever) what would it be?

For me, personally, it would be the day Arielle was born. After years of struggles to have one miracle baby (all babies are miracles of course) is by far the most rewarding thing I have done. The unknown of it all. The excitement of what she was going to look like. The first time being a mommy. (please don't get me wrong, i was as excited to meet Annabelle, and worried about her my WHOLE pregnancy but the delivery didn't go so well and that time was pretty foggy for me...not to mention i was asleep when i had her...but that doesn't take away that i was anxious to meet her and love her just as much). When you first become a mommy, it's such an exciting, yet scary time in your life. The unknown. The learning. But I do admit, although i was already a mommy to Arielle, having a second baby was just as exciting and scary, since no 2 babies are the same. So i guess this whole paragraph was written so you don't think that i think any less of baby number 2. But in the whole, i think the day Arielle was born is the day i want to relive AS IS. :) phew.

4. If you could be one of these 3 things what would you be: An actress, a singer or a model?

I'm sure we all know what i would be. A model. OK totally not true. lol

I would want to be an actress. As i repeat myself over and over again in different entries, I've always wanted to be an actress. I think it would be so much fun and interesting to be "someone else" for a role. And if they throw in a love scene....all the more fun. hahaha

5. If you could own a house anywhere in the world (other then where you are now) where would it be? And this house is somewhere you go to so you can vacation and not have to pay a hotel. You own this house and can go to it ANYTIME you want. And this can be ANYWHERE in the world.

For me, I would want to own a house in the Hollywood hills. (haha i know lame right?) But I won't go into details again why. LOL Jason just informed me he wants a house in Australia. So, we would have to fight over it. Bah, who am I kidding, Australia isn't so bad is it? haha


6. If you could bring back THREE of these 80's and 90's TV comedies, which one would you pick? And I'm not talking about reruns, I'm talking about brand new episodes, where the original people are in it. (some have passed on of course but if you could get them back)

a) Growing pains
b) Who's the Boss
c) Full House
d) Three's company
e) Blossom
f) My 2 dads
g) Family matters
h) Saved by the Bell
i) Alf
j) The wonder years
k) Cheers
l) Golden girls
m) Home improvement
n) Sabrina the teenage witch
o) Fresh prince of Bel air

I am sure there is tons more, but these are the ones I remember. If you think of one (remember I'm looking for comedy, not a drama or whatever lol) then you can put it :)

For me, I would love to bring back




So I really need to tell you an embarrassing story. When I was an early teen, I was "obsessed" with Joey Lawrence. (the Joey dude from Blossom). I even wrote him 2 letters to his fan base. Well, I had written my phone number in there, in the odd (retarded) case he would call me.

One afternoon my phone rang. I answered and it was a guy. He claimed he was Joey Lawrence and that he had received my letter. I wasn't convinced so he said "well how can I prove it"? I said " i don't know". So he said "what if i do my "WHOA", for you on the phone"? I said "sure". So he did it. When we hung up, I wasn't completely convinced but thought to myself "what if it was really him"? I called a few friends of mine, who after a few hours confessed they had pulled a prank on me. OMG, was i mad, disappointed and embarrassed. That was the last time I told anyone about writing letters to celebrities lol. (and YES I did write to a few more in my life, but this time I actually got a response from them...I got a letter from 2 different Days of our lives stars and Macaulay Culkin. I still have these letters and if i come across them from my move, I will definitely show you)

7. What is your favorite food in the whole wide world?

I love love love pizza and Caesar salad. Don't ask me to pick one out of the 2. I CAN'T. LOL (PS: I also LOVE steak)

8. If you could afford any car/SUV/truck (guess i should of just written vehicle lol) what would you get?

I would love to own a Land Rover. They seem like really nice SUV's. A real "soccer" mom vehicle. LOL (OK a rich soccer mom).

9. What is the ONE technology you could NOT live without? (it can be ANYTHING in this whole wide world) :)

For me that would be my PVR (tivo). I seriously would never get to see ANY of my shows if that didn't exist. I don't watch ANY live TV anymore (it's been about 5 1/2 years of PVR'ing).

This is pretty much the one we have

I bet you all thought I'd say my "BLACKBERRY" EH? :)

someone should buy me these earrings lol

10.  Last but not least, what is the one "chore" you dislike the most?

I would have to say, folding and putting laundry away. And if I'm being honest here (and i am) i would rather FOLD laundry then put it away. THUMBS DOWN ON PUTTING LAUNDRY AWAY. (I usually have the laundry folded and my amazing hubby puts it away...he also complains (ok bitches is more like it) about putting it away saying "we have no room for these clothes in our dressers OR the girls". ) LOL

With everything else, I'm sure I could come up with SOOO many more questions. But for now this is what was on my mind.

I would love if some of you respond with your answers. I don't expect details, I am just wanting to get to know you all better.

AND if you decide NOT to answer (which I'm sure some of you are rolling your eyes going "god I don't have time to answer these kind of boring questions) then you've just all gotten to know ME a bit more :)


Anonymous said...

Alright so first question. The three things I would bring is my Ipod, beer and sunscreen.

Question two I would love to always be 24 years old. Its the year before my grey hair started.

Question three the moment i would love to relive would be my firstborns date with my wife. I knew right then and there she was the one for me.

Question four hands down i would want to be a singer. I would remake" The Bird" and dedicate it to you. LOL

Question five I would love to own a house in British Columbia.

Question six The Cosby Show, Saved by the bell and the fresh prince.

Question 7 hands down Pizza.

Question 8 cadillac.

Question 9 the internet.

Question 10 I hate emptying the dishwasher.

I had to really think about some of those questions. Great questions. That was fun. Shannon

Anonymous said...

Okay here are mine:
1. Mt. Dew (the blue kind), my nook (e-reader), and knitting supplies :-)
2. hmm this was a tough one.. I would say 25.. but my body at 20 ;-)
3. the day I married Tim
4. none of them.. They all have issues.. I don't really want to be famous
5. hmm I would love to own a house near where I live bout in the country.. w/ lots of land and farm animals :-)
6. hmm I would say Home Improvement, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and Golden Girls :-)
7. mashed potatoes w/ gravy!!
8. Again I wouldn't do anything fancy just a top of the Honda Pilot
9. I totally thought you would have said your camera.. I would said my Android phone
10. I HATE washing dishes!!

Jay said...

3 things I would bring to a deserted island:
- Baseball cap
- lips stuff (yes, blistex herbal answer)
- matches??? I don't know...

How old would I want to be:
- 22

Moment I would not change.
- Meeting Rachelle, everything important to me has happened since that day.

What would I be (Actor, singer or model)
- Singer

Where would I want to own a house
- Australia

Which 3 80's/90's comedies would I bring back?
- Alf
- Home Improvement
- Fresh Prince

Favourite food:
- Spagetti

What vehicle would I own?
- I would just use my truck but soup it all up

Technology I could not live without?
Except for making a living, I could easily live without technology. I do like my blackberry though so I guess that would be it.

Chore I dislike the most
- cleaning toilets

Stacey Wallace said...

Three things:
1. My e-reader
2. My Body Pillow
3. Chapstick.

Best Age?
I would say 25. I still looked good and still had a lot of energy.

Living one thing over?
I would say hands down giving birth to Ethan. I can't imagine a more perfect moment in my life as that day. We waited so long and he was finally here. It was a long labour, 3 1/2 hrs of pushing, vacuum and forceps but he came out perfect.

Actress, Singer or Model?


Where would I own a house?
Italy most definetely. That is my dream.
Three shows?
Growing Pains, Saved by the Bell and The Wonder Years.

Three Foods?
Ceasar Salad, Sushi, Lobster

A Lexus. Don't care is it's a car, SUV or what. Just a Lexus :)

Television. I just couldn't do it.

Least favourite chore?
Washing Dishes. I absolutely DESPISE this. Getting a dishwasher soon so I will be a happy girl. I have always said I would rather scrub a toilet than do dishes.

Unknown said...

1 - my three things would be coke zero, cellphone (it has games, tv, internet and my music on it) and sunscreen. I hate hate hate sunburns!
2 - 21...old enough to have responsibilities and my own place but young enough to not care. I worked just enough to cover my bills and partied with the rest.
3 - The one moment I would want to relive would be the day Carson was born. It was the single best day of my life.
4 - My choice would be singer...but only if that choice came with a new voice too!
5 - My house would have to be on a beach somewhere that is warm all the time. Any of the caribbean islands would do just fine!
6 - Alf, Home Improvement, Cheers
7 - I can't pick just one either...lets just say anything italian.
8 - Lexus LX 450
9 - my cellphone...see question # 1's answer. Ha!
10 - laundry...all aspects of it! I wish they made disposable clothes!

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