This is ME, take it or leave it...

Monday, April 18, 2011

My bucket "someday" :)

So after a few days "off" from blogging I had a few people ask me "what's going on, you normally like to talk more then that". Guess I haven't been in the mood to "talk". But here goes ha :)

1. Take a motor home across all of Canada. I may live in Canada, but I've definitely not seen a lot of my country. I'd fly East, buy a huge motor home and work my way all the way west. It would probably take a long time to see everywhere i want to see but that's OK.  It would be quite the adventure.

2. From BC (area ish) i would love to go cross country through the USA. Now that's a HUGE dream of mine. I am fascinated by the US. Always have been. And I've not been to many places there except for Florida, Buffalo and Boston. I love USA because their ways a lot different then us in SO many ways and I've always wanted to live there. YES i do love my country and wouldn't move permanently but i would love to live there when i feel like it.

3. A European trip. I would love to see all of Europe's countries. I've been to Italy, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. And I just love seeing other countries and how different they are from us and the way they live. I would love to spend a good 3 months traveling through Europe.

4. To own another Yorkshire Terrier. My little Yorkie Bingo passed away last year, and boy do I still miss him. Always will. He was a special "misfit" doggie and someday I want another "bingo".  He was a one of kind dog and he always found secret places to lay and I could always count on him to snuggle. He had the worst breath in the world, and hardly any teeth. When friends would come over and Bingo layed on them, they would ALWAYS say "I think he farted". Well, that wasn't a fart, that was his breath. LOL

5. To be skinny. I know dumb "bucket" thing eh? And it's not cause I'm not comfortable in my own skin. (OK it is uncomfortable when my fat hangs over lol) but even though I'm heavier then I have been my whole life, i still enjoy life and what it has to offer. I can still laugh and have fun but I'm starting to realize that I don't want to be out of breath when I'm "running" around with my kids. And I'm trying hard lately to lose the weight but some blood work recently told me (well the blood work told the Dr and the Dr told me) that my metabolism is having some issues so it's not entirely my fault i'm "festively plump".  But yea i do enjoy to eat, and i do love food. Who doesn't? I don't have a fast metabolism like some people (cough cough *jay*) HAHA. So although I may never be SKINNY skinny (Jay doesn't want me to be skinny, he likes curves) i want be "healthy".

6. To get hair removal laser. I don't want to shave anymore. I want laser so i can not worry about shaving every few days. What a waste of time. And I've been known to have such long leg hairs that people have wanted to beed the hairs on my legs. I want to remove ALL unwanted hair. You know all the places that us woman don't want hair. I want it removed permanently. I won't go into graphic details, but you get my drift. :)

NO this is NOT me LOL

7. To write a novel. I love to write. I may not be THE best writer out there (DUH), but writing is a passion of mine. And I would love to write a book about dreams. And by dreams I mean the "when your asleep type of dreams". I dream so much that I'm sure I could write a novel about dreams I've had. I could perhaps write a book about non fictional things. Or a "based on a true story" book. Now that would be interesting. That way I could write a book about something that I've seen/witnessed in my life that is based on a true story but has fictional aspects also. hmmmmm.....

8. To meet Ryan Philippe. He is NOT my favorite "celebrity crush" anymore. But I've seen cruel intentions SO many times, and he's been my "ohhh wow" actor (in THAT movie) every time i see it. I just HAVE to meet him. U know to get that outta my system. *sigh* :)

Here is Ryan in a picture from the movie

9. Go to an Ellen DeGeneres taping. Gosh is she funny. I really think she's one of the funniest people out there. And you know that "know or go" game she plays? Where the heck do those people fall into? I want to play that game when I go to her show.

10. Go on an African lion safari. That's one of Jay's dreams and I want to do that with him. Sooner rather then later.

So we've already done one, but I want the REAL thing, not just the "fake" one we went to last year HAHA

11. Take a cruise. A 2 week cruise. One that will stop at a lot of cities along the way, so i can venture out and sight see. I would love to take a cruise with my whole family. The idea of having a pool/water slide on a boat. And to look out my window and just see ocean. Heaven. One thing I should mention. I'm afraid of the ocean. I'm afraid of the unknown that lays deep into the ocean. So, along with my cruise, I would love to get over my fear and maybe snorkel. I've had the chance to snorkel before but i was too chicken. So maybe i could take lessons and actually scuba dive. But i may be too afraid to go very deep.

12. This one may sound a bit "different" for a bucket list, but to learn to act within my sphere of influence and stop worrying about things which are not within my control. I worry 24/7 (ish). I've always been a worry wort and that's not something I'm going to stop. I won't go into details about it, because that's a "entry in my blog" in itself. But i would like to stop worrying about stuff that aren't in my control. I so wish i could control certain things but when your waiting for a test result that has to do with your health let's say, the test will come out, the way it will come out. NOTHING I say or do will change that outcome. And that sucks. And as much as i worry about the outcome, it's not going to change the result. I've had SO many people in my life tell me to stop worrying so much about things and that I'll make myself sick over it, but those things are easier said then done. I don't have a button that says "DO NO WORRY". But I need to work on that part. Some things I CAN'T CHANGE.

13. Now years ago, I would of put "get a tattoo". But since I got my first tattoo last summer, I'm going to put get 2 more tattoos. And you know what i want to get? And my next tattoo could be as soon as this fall. When Arielle and Annabelle learn to write their names (you know the way a young child's all sloppy and sooo cute?) I want a tattoo of their names the way THEY write it. So let's say, were in October and Arielle learns to write her name (she can do many letters right now but not her full name) I am going to get her to write her name on a piece of paper and I'm going to go get a tattoo of her name exactly the way she wrote it. I can't wait.

My first tattoo

14. Volunteer in an animal shelter. Now where I live, we don't have many. But I've asked if i could help out at our humane society and i was turned away saying they have too many people helping. Now I find it hard to believe that they can't have someone else helping FOR FREE. But, someday, perhaps when both girls are in school, i could donate time to helping animals in need.

15. Become a foster parent. We all know that there are a LOT of children in need out there. And I would love to make a difference in someones life. I have a lot of love to give and would love to help in any way I could.

16. Become a vegetarian. I'd like to try it and see how i feel afterwards. (maybe try it for a month or so?) I don't think I could become a vegan, but vegetarian could be doable for me.

17. Go to a masquerade ball. It would be so fun to go into a big ballroom, and everyone be dressed to the nine's and have our faces covered. To try and figure out who everyone is. Ohhh the fun I could have with that one. :)

18. Be an extra in a movie (hey you never know). Now I'm not THAT dumb to think I'd be a lead in a movie, but being an extra and seeing how movies are done, and shot on location. That COULD maybe happen. If I'm at the right place, at the right time, and they need someone to "walk by" a scene. lol

19. To reach 50 years of wedded bliss with Jason. I truly want to celebrate 50 years with him. I want to be old and wrinkly and having my great great great grandchildren come visit us in an old age home. But what I really want is for my kids to take care of us and not "place" us in an old age home. LOL

Here are a few of my wedding :)

And I can't forget my doggie Muffin. I will never forget him :) (he also had 2 fittings for his tux hehe)

20. Last but not least, taking my girls to Disney world. (now I know I've been when i was 10 years old), but the joy I see in Arielle's eyes when we talk about anything mickey's clubhouse is pure happiness to me. And this will be checked off in one year and a half. We are taking the girls for a 2 weeks vacay to Florida in October 2012. Arielle saves all her pennies in her piggy bank for her trip and talks about it daily.  Someday soon, my daughter's biggest (so far) dream will come true. And Annabelle loves anything Mickey also, because Arielle "shares" her clubhouse stuff. So I'm sure Annabelle will love it as much as her big sister.

I have so many more things I would love to accomplish in my lifetime, but for now, this is the BIG of what I would like before I "kick it". :)


Anonymous said...

Rachelle I just want to share with you that I have enjoyed reading your blog. Your a very uplifting person!!! With a wonderful spirit. Those that have you in their life to enjoy are very lucky!

Jay said...

Awesome, looking forward to completing your bucket list with you!

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