This is ME, take it or leave it...

Friday, April 15, 2011

My favorite sayings uncensored

To be honest, I don't really have much to write about tonight. OK, I do but I'm so darn tired that I'm going to ramble on about some of my favorite sayings in life. That way i don't have to really think about too much.

1. "Boundaries don't keep people out, they fence you in. So you can waste your life drawing lines or you can live your life crossing them."

I think it's a true saying. BUT of course in life we HAVE to have some boundaries or we'd be in big trouble with a LOT of things. But for the most part, I'm an open book and have no problem talking to people about anything really. I'd rather live my life crossing some boundaries then to be bored staying in my corner.

Please come out from behind the fence

2. " Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away."

Have you ever tried counting your breaths? Try it. No really....try it right now. Don't you find that when your actually thinking of your breathing, it gets hard to actually breath? Breathing is a natural instinct and counting them would be a waste of your time. So, we gotta really live our lives to the fullest. Relish in the moments that matter because someday you don't want to have that regret that you didn't enjoy something to it's full potential.

3. "Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye opener."

Now I'm not quite sure how to take this saying. It could be looked as funny. Meaning, marriage changes things in a relationship. (which is kinda does) BUT I'd rather look at it as a positive thing. Marriage (to me) means growing old with a person you love. In a marriage you have to grow TOGETHER. And although it's healthy to do things with friends and NOT always have your spouse around 24/7, living a separate life from your spouse isn't healthy for the marriage. People who are married need to keep the communication lines open and be up front and honest no matter what the situation is. Secrets always come out. It's better to talk things through and that way you get things dealt with right away, as opposed to letting it build up. (no I'm not giving anyone marital advice haha....just writing what my thoughts are). Besides being my husband, Jason is my best friend in the whole wide world and some would say we are each others shadow. I wouldn't change a thing. (except maybe call Big Bang and ask them to cancel their show) HAHA Joke.

4. "A mother holds her children's hands for just a little while, but their hearts forever.

Not too much to say on this one. It pretty much explains everything :)

5. "Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably. And never EVER regret anything that made you smile".

One of my favorite sayings. My favorite part (besides the life is short?) is DO NOT REGRET WHAT MADE YOU SMILE. I love to laugh, and i love to smile. Laughing to me is totally the best medicine (such a cliche saying but so true). I love the laughs where i sound like a tire deflating. U know the laugh where your laughing so hard that you can't breath and your crying with tears pouring down your face because you can't breath? Ahhhh, I'm in need of that "medicine" soon.

6. "People without a sense of humour should come with a warning label".

'nuff said.

7. "Our pasts best days are our futures worst days".

I wasn't quite sure how to take this saying, but it sounds nice. So I like it. LOL

8. "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person."

Ahh i love this one. And SO true. It's a fact. A marriage (or any relationship for that matter) isn't easy and there are bumps in the road. You may drift apart, but if you truly love your SO (significant other) then it's possible to fall in love all over again. But it takes work. But it's SO worth it.

9. "Enjoy the small things in life because someday you may look back and realize they were the big things. "

Again, not much explanation as to why I love this saying. It's true. And I'm guilty of looking back at things that I took for granted and now wish I had enjoyed it more. Wished I had soaked it all in. But we live and learn eh?

10. "If someone gossips with you, they are also probably gossiping about you. "

This saying could open a can of worms and cause a debate. So I'll leave it alone haha.

11. "Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them, but you always know they are there".

 True fact. I have many great friends who are not physically around me all the time. And some have never been actually physically around me. But their the ones who I can count on most.

HAHAHHA...sorry I had to make a joke... OK OK, here is a "nice" one

HAHAHA, I love it. OK for real this next one is for you my friends xo

12. "Believes that a good marriage is more then finding the right person, it's being the right person".

TRUE. If you find the "right" person and they just don't love you back, it aint gonna work. LOL ( i took a comical twist on this one)

Oops guess he wasn't the one for her lol

Some people may think i'm WAYYY crazy (and i kinda am), Jay gets me and accepts me.

13. "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all."

A good saying about me and my hubby.

14. "Those that don't believe in love at first sight, haven't given birth to the love of their life".

SO true. Love at first sight was never believed by me, until I gave birth to my daughters.



15. "True love is not found until a child is born".

Refer to 14.

16. "You're the only one (2 in this case) who's heard my heart beat from the inside".

For my daughters of course.

Arielle at 18 weeks pregnant

Annabelle at 18 weeks pregnant

17. "Laugh me makes it well oh but life your of seconds 30 waste to going am i hello."

Now read it backwards.

18. "Friends are the family we choose for ourselves".

When we talk about family that are blood related, we kinda don't have a choice but to be "family". (that could be a good thing OR a bad thing lol) BUT when we choose our friends, they become our family in a lot of ways.

19. "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".

Someday I will be able to say this saying. I'm working on it. (ish).

20. "There comes a point in one's life where you realize who really matters, who never did and who always will".

Kinda self explanatory. As you get older, you truly find out who your real friends are. (also find out which family member are there for you also. Doesn't always have to be about is important too.) This is a general statement, not necessarily about me.

21. "Everything is OK in the end, and if it's not OK then it's not the end".

Maybe it's cause I'm blond, or maybe it's cause it's late. But this one boggle my mind. LOL

22. "The best thing about the good ol days is that I wasn't good and I wasn't old".


23. "Life is not a puzzle to be solved but a mystery to be lived".

I LOVE this one. When you think of it, life IS a mystery. We never ever ever ever (OK you get my point) know what will happen at any given moment....and that's kinda scary but also thrilling. I get excited over the littlest thing. And a little off topic but, with us moving into our dream home (except for the outside but the inside layout really is our dream layout) I try daily to picture myself living there, and doing this and doing that. I was in our new "rec room" this evening and  Jay and i pretended we were having wine and watching the kids play in their mickey mouse playroom. OMG I CAN'T WAIT. And I can't wait to have people over to this new VERY OPEN concept home. COME ONE COME ALL :)

24. "I love my daughters. I gave them life, but they give me a reason to keep on living".

BIG TIME. And not only them of course. My hubby, fur babies, parents, in laws, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends (OK i could keep going) give me reason to keep on going...even during this rough year that has come upon us.

25. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us".

WAY too tired to talk about this one. But it sounds nice and I like the saying lol

26. "When I was a kid I didn't have a PlayStation, or Wii, I had a bike and a curfew, a.k.a. when it got dark... I lived outside, not inside. If I didn't eat what my mom made me then I didn't eat.
I didn't dare tell my mom " NO " nor talk back. Life wasn't hard. And I survived. I drank water out of a hose ... and hand sanitizer didn't exist, but you COULD get your mouth washed out with soap."

Now I've altered this saying a bit, but it's so true. I remember being so young and riding my bike to far away parks for like 3 or more hours at a time. No cell phones existed and as long as mom and dad knew i was at the park (20 min's away) they were OK with me being gone with friends. (I hardly let Arielle play alone in our backyard for pete's sake). I'm so happy that Arielle isn't into too much video game playing. I admit she LOVES her movies, but I'm OK with that. But if i were to give her a choice she would want to be outside. But in this day and age, you can't just let your child wonder by themselves. And that's sad. As I mentioned the other day on my other entry, i miss the 80's. One of the things I DON'T miss though? The being aloud to smoke everywhere. Gosh I remember going to visit people at hospital and people were smoking all over. Then they changed that a bit. No more smoking in hospitals and they also started a "smoking section" in restaurants. Remember when the hostess would seat you. He/She would ask "would you like smoking or non"? LOL gosh it seems like yesterday. Now in Ontario, you can't smoke inside ANYWHERE public (including hotels and cars if you have children inside---that's a GREAT law for vehicles that have children in it). No I'm not trying to put down everyone who smokes. It's your prerogative if you want to smoke. I'm just really amazed at how much our province has changed. Gosh I could talk about the 80's SO much that I think I will keep it for another day. :)

So, I'm sure a lot of you have heard these sayings. But I just wanted to share some of my favorite. I love quite a few more but figured I've talked enough for tonight.

I am going to leave you with ONE more saying...and we've all heard it before and it's my favorite one EVER...


I wanted my girls so bad.
While pregnant I loved them oh so much (but didn't truly know that love until i actually had them)
Darn tuten, i would of died for them anytime and still would
i love you Arielle and Annabelle. I am lucky to be your mama. Thanks for putting up with me and giving me unconditional love. You don't judge me and you love me at my worst.


Anonymous said...

I loved reading all of these fun quotes!! I had to read the friend thing you posted to Tim I was laughing so hard.. thanks for being the piss in my pants!

katlynn said...

you seem like a nice mother.

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