This is ME, take it or leave it...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

where to begin???

Wow, it's been a while eh? Don't be fooled though. Just because I haven't written in a few months doesn't mean that the wheels in my head have stopped spinning.

I have a lot to say, so bare with me.

First and foremost, I'd like to talk a bit about facebook. Now i've slowly (and by slowly, i really mean SLOWLY) started to faze it out. Although originally i wanted to cut it out of my life completely, a few friends mentioned that i should keep it in case someone needs a hold of me and that facebook is universal, that way it's easier. Fair enough.

I may post some pictures and email or write on someones wall (although I'm not big on wall writing, because i don't like the "world" to see what i write to certain people) but my status changing is a thing of the past as of late. I may post a few memorable things, but my day to day life will no longer be public knowledge. If you are lucky enough (haha) to be on my blackberry messenger or texting, then please don't be shy lol. I will also be blogging a bit more during this new journey I've started. (the journey will be mentioned in a few min's).

So as I close a bit of a "facebook chapter" in my life, a few more chapters in my life will begin.

Okie dokie, now on to my life up to now. Wait, that would be too much writing if i wrote everything from the time we moved. So, I'll just say this. WE ARE MOVED WOOHOO. Pretty much settled, yet a few odds and ends to finish up on the new home. Yes it's our home now. The feeling I get pulling in my driveway is amazing. We have finally found our forever home. I crave it. Even if I'm out an hour. I crave coming home. I've also hosted more friends since we've moved then at the last house. It's more cozy here, since it's all open concept. Everyone is together, as opposed to cooking on one floor, and hanging out on a different floor (like the last house). My girls love this house so much. They play together in the new mickey mouse playroom all the time. No mommy or daddy that is something to WOOHOO about lol. So in a nutshell, our new home is the best decision we ever made (besides having children of course). If you haven't read about why I didn't want to buy this house, please refer to a later blog entry about not wanting this house :)

My new adventure...hmmmmm....not sure I can call it an adventure...OK, maybe it's a new journey. Yea, OK, my new journey.

So what I'm about to talk about has to do with, Lupus, rashes, not feeling good and a life changing style that will surely change my physical, mental, and whatever state.

For the last couple weeks, my lupus has gotten worst. Well, physically worst. A few of you have seen me lately while I'm dealing with this awful body rash. Not only awful. The worst ever body rash that makes me cranky, itchy, and burning.

My internist has prescribed a "lupus medication". I started taking and not long after I developed a rash like no other. It's been 8 days of this rash now. And NO it's not better. I see this internist on Tuesday.

I saw my family DR at the beginning of the week. He/She said "we'll wait to see what the internist says." So I continued with the meds.

A few days after, i had to go to the EMERG. Why?!? Cause, the rash has become a bit debilitating (OK a lot) and I have not been able to ignore it anymore. So, sometime this week, I saw a Dr at the EMERG who was taken aback by the look of this rash. He/She had me stop the meds (which i had already due to talking to my pharmacist) and gave me a shot on my ass. (oh isn't that fun?) I also started a new medication for the itching. I don't find it works too much. What this medication does though, is zonks me out for hours. So can i take it during the day? no not really, my girls need me. And I'm not rich enough to hire a nanny lol.

By the next day POST-EMERG, it was worst again. So off to the family DR. Now he took it a bit more seriously. So we talked about it, and gave me meds for it. Those don't really work either.

What is mind boggling now, to myself as well as my DR, is this rash here because of the meds, OR Lupus? Guess, the internist I'm seeing soon will be able to hopefully answer that one. So for the meantime, I get to hang out in loose clothing and sit by the fan, so that my rash feels a bit better. The fan cools it down and gives me temporarily relief.

Here are some pictures of this rash I speak of. I had to crop some things out of it, due to privacy. This is after all, a blog about a talk-aholic, and not a naked-holic. Although, I could start a new blog page for that, if people show interest. :)

Forgot to mention that my fingers are in rough shape too. I have trouble bending them if they haven't been bent in a while. There's little tiny cluster of rash all over the joints. That is as painful, if not more then my body.

Here comes the "new journey" part. This passed weekend, i had the chance to speak with a very wise woman. We had a good conversation about lupus, rash, my joint pain. Anything and everything. And we got talking about a change of lifestyle when it comes to food and nutrition.

We decided, to start me on a gluten, and dairy free "diet". I am sure most of you know how much poisons gluten is for your body. And tests have shown time and time again, that gluten free makes your overall feel better (joint pain included).

Over the last few days I've done some research on this type of diet and decided that I must do this, not only for me, but for my family. My girls really need their mother to start feeling better. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best I feel, I would give myself a 4 ish, sometimes 6. And that isn't good enough for me or my family.

Today, Jason and I took each one child to do some errands, and off I went. I first stopped at the market (l'amis). I got a crap load of fresh produce. So many fresh fruits and veggies.

My next stop was at a special store to pick up gluten free products. I got everything from pasta, to soy sauces, to BBQ sauce to muffins, to pizza dough, to bread, all gluten free. You name it, i got it. I could probably take a picture of everything i got, but i'm sure u get the idea and don`t want to be bored with pictures of gluten free products.

I am really looking forward to this new lifestyle and i'm ready to feel better.  I have a really good friend who is going to teach me how to cook gluten free and make it taste yummy. And she sure knows how to cook, so i`m looking forward to spending time with her and learning her tricks.

Of course I have a lot more to say, but for now, i'm going to leave you all with this. I still have a HUGE part of my life to write about, but, this will have to wait. For now, I will document my life on gluten, and dairy free.

Thanks for those who continue to support me and are there no matter what. You are a rare find.


Anonymous said...

ohh I so hope this helps you feel better soon!!

Anonymous said...

Hope the new diet makes you feel the way you should.. 100% better!


Erin said...

Praying the new diet helps you feel lots better. I can only imagine how tiring it is chasing the girls around and feeling crappy much of the time. But it does help that they love their play room so much ;)

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